Physical Education
ASF schools ensure that all classes are timetabled for 60 minutes of physical education every week. to view our school's P.E. timetable.
A broad and balanced PE curriculum is delivered, at all class levels, by the classroom teacher.
Click here to view our Whole School P.E. Plan detailing which strand and fundamental movement skill (from the Move Well, Move Often resources) will be taught each month.
Outdoor & Adventure

This gymnastics lesson involved recapping on jumping for height. Then a new teaching point was taught and demonstrated- Arms and legs extend as far as possible in the flight phase. Pupils practised the teaching point in groups on mats.
As part of the Athletics strand, we worked on our skills of running. We all thought we knew how to run well until we observed each other. We realised our whole body was involved in running, arms, eyes, torso and of course, legs! Watching where we were going was a challenge at times as competition came close. We played lots of games, including Fruit Basket, Tails, Number Run and sprinting.

The middle room began the Games strand by concentrating on their ability to catch. They had to watch the ball or beanbag carefully and always be sure to have their two hands ready to catch.

Also as part of the Games strand, the middle room enjoyed plenty of games to improve their kicking and striking with the hand. They used targets on the wall for accuracy of kicking and looked at where on their foot the ball was being kicked from. They played a great game called Wish Upon a Star whereby they used towels to throw the ball in the air. They had to use co-ordinated movement and works as teams to catch the ball in the towel each time. They also played dribble tag.
As part of the Dance and Gymnastics strands, the Junior Room (junior and senior infants) practiced balancing with the use of music.
They explored balancing in various ways e.g. on 2/3 body parts, eyes closed. They followed a leader, moved around in various ways and copied their balance on the whistle. They played 'spot balance' - moved around to music, when music stopped performed balance. They copied teacher balancing, moved around to music and mirrored leader's balance when the music stopped. Finally they did a body balance sequence and performed a balance sequence.

In Term 1 (2018-2019) the senior room (4th, 5th and 6th) have swimming lessons for 7 weeks.
In Term 2 (2018-2019), 2nd and 3rd class from the middle room have swimming lesson for 7 weeks.
During the school year 2019-2020, Junior and Senior Infants completed the PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) Programme. PAWS outlines life-saving guidelines for children of every age! It teaches children how to be safe around water in homes, farms, pools, beaches and on our waterways.
During the school year 2020 - 2021, the Middle Room (2nd, 3rd and 4th class) completed the PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) Programme also.
Our Physical Education Equipment
We keep our P.E. equipment nice and tidy and clearly labelled. Regularly throughout the year, we tidy our existing equipment and purchase new equipment to replace old equipment. Over the last couple of years, we have fundraised to buy additional P.E. equipment. Each year, we buy new equipment to add to our existing resources.
The Junior Room are working on the fundamental movement skill 'Striking with Hand' and the 'Games' strand. They explored striking with the hand and began by bouncing a beanbag on their hands. Then they used their hands to strike a ball between their hands before moving onto bouncing the ball. They played the game 'Knock Down' from the 'Move Well, Move Often' resource.

The senior room (5th & 6th class) were learning the fundamental movement skill of kicking. They played some really fun games to practice the skill. They played a game of rounders...instead of using a bat, they used their feet! Next, they played a game called No Man's Land which led nicely to a quick game of GAA.
The Middle Room practiced the fundamental movement skill of striking with the hand, under the strand of games. They considered what skills were needed to ensure they controlled the ball as they bounced it.

Here, the Senior Room are practicing the fundamental movement skill of throwing. To practice this skill, they threw foam javelins using an over-arm throw. They practiced the step pattern of step, over, plant and throw. In lines, the children threw the javelin and retrieved it on signal.

Here the Junior Room are doing a P.E. lesson from the Athletics strand. They are learning and praciticing the fundamental movement skill of throwing. First, the pupils explored throwing and then practiced individually by throwing and catching a beanbag e.g. throw, clap, catch. Then they worked in pairs and threw to a partner before making a group of 4 and throwing around in the square. Finally, they used an underarm throw to throw the beanbag into a hoop.

Outdoor and Adventure
We have been working to strengthen our delivery of the Outdoor and Adventure strand. We printed all the Outdoor and Adventure lesson plans and accompanying resources from the PSSI website. The lessons were placed in folders for each teacher. New Outdoor and Adventures resources and equipment were made - we were busy making, laminating and labelling!
Also, our 6th class pupils each created a scaled map of the school grounds. We chose 2 winners and now use those maps as part of our Outdoor and Adventure P.E. lessons.
All teachers completed the CPD course 'P.E. Outdoor and Adventure'.
During the course, we were introduced to the website britishorienteering and the tri-o resource. Finally, we printed and laminated the lessons and resources from the tri-o programme.

Outdoor and Adventure
The Junior Room have started the PSSI Outdoor and Adventure P.E. lessons! Here they are doing Lesson 1 from the PSSI website. In pairs, the children walked to cones and looked underneath the cone to find a picture of an animal. Beside each cone, was a tub of crayons. Children found the matching animal on their control card and used the crayon to colour in the box (underneath the animal) on the control card.

Here the Middle Room are also doing lesson 1 from the PSSI resource. Children walked to a cone with a number on it. Children lifted the cone to reveal a shape underneath. They then found the shape on the control card and filled in the number from the cone in the box underneath the shape. Children repeated this until they had visited all the cones and completed their control cards.

Here the Senior Room are doing their first Outdoor and Adventure lesson from the PSSI resource. Each child got a route sheet and then followed the route. Children went from cone to cone, recording the letters underneath each cone. When one route was completed, children took a new route sheet and repeated activity!

The Middle Room had lots of fun doing gymnastic stations. The circuit ideas were taken from the PDST website. Stations included bunny jumps, travelling on our hands and feet, perimeter travelling on feet, N-S-E-W jumping, circle arm walk and basic jumps.

Land Paws Certificates
The Middle Room (2nd, 3rd & 4th) completed the Land Paws water safety programme in early May. Their certificates arrived today just in time before our summer holidays!

The pupils continue to practise their skills in Gymnastics while focusing on the Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) of Landing. It took lots of practice to remember not to land on our heels and to make sure to use our arms to help when jumping and landing safely.

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
The Junior Room have been busy practicing our jumping technique, focusing on the skill of jumping for distance. We explored jumping in different ways to discover the best way to jump as far as we can!
We found out that using your arms to propel yourself forward and bending your knees when taking off and landing was important.
We played "Island Hopping" where we swam away from the shark and jumped onto our island; "Creature Alley" where we had to jump down the alley avoiding the obstacles and we demonstrated jumping for distance to a group who then followed their leader.

Bench Ball - Pupils were divided in to two teams with different coloured bibs, red/yellow. A goalie stood on the bench. The object of the game was for the red players to throw the ball to their team mate on the bench to score. Pupils could only pass the ball between them for five passes. They could not travel while passing the ball. If it dropped, they had to start again. A semi-circle in front of the bench allowed no entry but this area can be defended. Pupils were not allowed to attack players! This was thoroughly enjoyed by the pupils in the Senior Room as they practiced their skills of catching and throwing.