Easter Egg Hunt
The children had lots of fun searching for eggs around the school on the last day of school before the Easter holidays.
“Dragons’ Den” St. Paul’s style!
We had the wonderful opportunity of participating in our very own "Dragon's Den", compliments of Bizworld.org and supported by Bank of...

Eason Spelling Bee 2018
Marie as she represented St. Paul's N.S. at the county final of the Eason Spelling Bee in Rathcormac National School, Sligo. An in school...

Pancake Tuesday
Thank you so much to the wonderful group of Mammies and siblings for coming in to school on Tuesday to cook and serve us up the most...

Snow Fun!
As you can see, we made the most of the little bit of snow we had! We had great fun building snowmen!

Dublin Peace Proms Concert
We had a wonderful day on Saturday 3rd February at the Peace Proms Concert in the RDS Arena, Dublin. It was very exciting to be part of...

Peace Proms 2018
The children from 2nd - 6th class travelled to the National Indoor Arena in Blanchardstown to the rehearsal for Peace Proms 2018. They...

School Nativity Play, The Match Girl's Christmas
The Match Girl's Christmas was the school nativity play this year. The Match Girl's Christmas reminds us of the need to care for the...

Bag Packing
Thank you to all the parents, children and staff who gave up their Friday and Saturday to do bag packing in Supervalu in Ballisodare....

New House for Shadow!
We thought that Shadow deserved an upgrade! Shadow got an impressive two storey hutch! It didn't take Shadow long to settle into her new...