Parents' Association
Welcome to the Parents' Association of St. Paul's N.S.
Email: ptastpaulsns@gmail.com
Who are we?
If you have a child(ren) in St. Paul's, then you are already a member of this group.
Chairperson: Jade
Secretary: Nuray
Treasurer: Elaine
Current PA term duration: 09/2023 - 06/2025
What do we do?
We work with the principal, staff and board of management to build effective partnership between home and school. At times, we come into the school for activities such as multicultural day, sports day and fundraising events.
When do we meet?
We hold a PA meeting in the school at least once per term, where all parents are invited to join. We make decisions about organising events in consultation with the principal and staff, we plan for fundraising events and get a chance to meet other parents.
Please get in touch if you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, if you have any questions, or if you would like to get involved in an upcoming event.
Email: ptastpaulsns@gmail.com