Farewell Service
Our Farewell Service was held on Friday 16 th June to say Goodbye to our sixth class pupils as
they move on to Secondary School. Family and friends joined them on this very special
occasion in St. Paul’s Church. Thanks to Rev. Andrew who conducted an appropriate and
meaningful “Light Ceremony” encouraging the girls to look forward to their continuing life’s
journey but also to remember that family, friends and their faith would always be there to
support if needed. Their peers became “ A Hanna Tree” and “A Sophie Tree” as we reflected
on the theme of growing. Sophie and Hanna spoke of their aspirations for the days ahead.
The morning culminated with refreshments in the school as we enjoyed an aptly produced
cake by Mrs. Mc Nulty. A pizza party evolved by the end of the day!
Our Best Wishes go with these pupils to their new schools. We are very proud of them.