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Fun Walk/Run

Early on the morning of Sunday 22nd September, John (a parent) rocked into the school grounds in his car and trailer! Contained within was the equipment needed to cook a lamb on a spit!

All was assembled. The rain threatened but the embers continued to glow. The lamb was raised over the embers and it began to cook. John waited patiently for approx. five hours as he basted the beast and guarded the shed! Onlookers watched as he worked.

At around two, folk began to arrive. Ms. Irwin and Ms. Perry set up the barbeque. A Bric a Brack stall was also laid out. Walkers, cyclists and dogs set off on our Fun Walk/Run to the entrance of Union Wood.

Andrew was first faced and exhausted! On everyone's return, tea/coffee/juice was served and we indulged on succulent lamb, butchered by Charles (another parent). Delicious burgers and hot dogs supplemented the lamb.

Thanks to all who supported our fundraising event.

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